Question: Fibonacci sequence starts from 0,1 and their sum is 1 and the sum of 1,1 is 2 and this continues. See the picture and you will understand:
In the similar way using python generate first 15 Fibonacci numbers.
Answer: I have used functional approach. If you don't know what functions are, then remove the first line with def fibanocci(n): and then instead of n add the number of Fibonacci numbers you want. This will give you the result. But I suggest you to use functions as you write the code once and generate the output the required times. You can even test your answer with the question example(if given). I wrote the code such that it will be easy to understand, but if you don't understand please do ask me I will explain. Also post your Fibonacci code.
In the similar way using python generate first 15 Fibonacci numbers.
Answer: I have used functional approach. If you don't know what functions are, then remove the first line with def fibanocci(n): and then instead of n add the number of Fibonacci numbers you want. This will give you the result. But I suggest you to use functions as you write the code once and generate the output the required times. You can even test your answer with the question example(if given). I wrote the code such that it will be easy to understand, but if you don't understand please do ask me I will explain. Also post your Fibonacci code.
#Function to generate n fibanocci numbers
def fibanocci(n):
a = 0
b = 1
numbers = []
while len(numbers) < n+2:
temp = a
a = b
b = a+temp
return numbers
print fibonacci(15)
[0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987]
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