Thursday, 16 April 2015


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We can say that technology and thus the society is always interconnected with physics. The present technology may not be directly connected with the physics but in some or the other way the basic principles used in the other way are directly related to physics. For example let us consider the computer you are using now. It has a chip which is made up of silicon and the study of the properties of this materials comes under the branch of physics called as material physics. Or for the sake of easy understanding let us consider the internet which you are using to study this document. In the earlier days there was not internet but telephone was introduced based on the basic laws of electricity and magnetism. That wired telecommunication gradually changed to wireless and finally we are not only communicating with other but also we are exchanging our data based on the laws of electricity and magnetism. Similarly the automobiles which are running on the roads are based on the laws of motion and energy from combustion of the fossil fuels. In similar way there are many examples which can be stated here but I think they are not very necessary as you know most of them. But I will give some data regarding some physicists from different countries of the world who have their major contributions to the subject of physics. Note that this data is not my original work but I have collected this from the NECERT textbook of INDIAN government of page number 5, 6 from Table 1.1. Picture quality is low as it is just for information.

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